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THE RUSH’S ECHO, the sequel to The Rush’s Edge will be available in trade paperback and ebook January 10, 2023 on Amazon!
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My Five Favorite Episodes of The Twilight Zone
Rod Serling of Twilight Zone fame is one of my all-time favorite writers. I can immediately pick out his turn of phrase and razor-sharp diction from all the other writers in the world, and it’s what has made this show some of my favorite TV ever. He touched on so many universal
Roleplaying vs Rollplaying
I began tabletop roleplaying when I was seventeen. Being a sci-fi and fantasy geek, it was something I fell into naturally. I kept playing into my 20’s, eventually being the only girl who played D&D, Rifts, Vampire, Werewolf and Call of Cthulu in our group of guys. We had a
Music That Inspired The Rush’s Edge
Music helps me write. Whether or not I have my noise cancelling headphones on while I work, or whether I’m alone and can blast it, I usually have something playing in the background somewhere. I’m always fascinated by the idea that a book could have a certain “playlist.” Certain songs,
The Rush’s Edge

Halvor Cullen, a genetically-engineered and technology implanted ex-solider, doesn’t see himself as a hero. After getting out of the service, all he’s interested in is chasing the adrenaline rush that his body was designed to crave. Hal knows he won’t live long anyway; vat soldiers like him are designed to die early or will be burnt out from relentlessly seeking the rush. His best friend and former CO, Tyce, is determined not to let that happen and distracts him by work salvaging crashed ships in the Edge.
But after a new crewmember – hacker-turned-tecker, Vivi – joins their band of misfits, they find a sphere that downloads an alien presence into their ship…Multiple clashes with the military force Hal and his crew to choose sides. The battle they fight will determine the fate of vats and natural-borns throughout the galaxy. Will they join the movement against the Coalition? What has invaded their ship’s computer? And can there be a real future for a vat with an expiration date?
It’s published by the amazing Angry Robot Books, and if you’ve never checked them out, you should!
Read the Free Prequel Stories!
Crossing the Divide
Tyce Bernon checked the address on his handheld, then knocked on the door of the dingy hab unit. He got no answer. Apartments in the lower levels of the station had no doornote, so Ty knocked harder in case Hal was asleep. The scents of frying food and musty ventilation
Author’s Note: The Rush’s Edge is not a novel about children, but I wrote “Sharpening” while I was working on my novel as a way to explore Hal’s training as a young rook at the hands of the ACAS. This story takes place during the second year of Hal’s training and about
The Last Aurora
Note: Lane Tyner and Orin Neen are two supporting characters from The Rush’s Edge who met some years before the events of that book. This story details how they met in the ACAS before they were released from service. This story is a little more military sci-fi than my typical writing. It
The Rush’s Echo
In this self-published sequel to The Rush’s Edge, the crew of the Loshad return from a lukewarm meeting with the Mudar to an Edge on the verge of war. A vat operative has used every genetically engineered talent and programmed skill she has to infiltrate the Opposition forces and disrupt their resistance to the Coalition.
In a desperate attempt to stop their enemies, Vivi must confront the specter of her past as the crew petitions the shadowy hacker group Echo to succeed. When the mission goes awry, and they are forced to leave a crewmember behind, the team wonders if their victory against the Coalition will come at all, and if so, at what cost?
Trade paperback and ebook available January 10, 2023 on Amazon.

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